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自由的艺术课 Artyfactory是一个日益增长资源的思想和技术,旨在增加你艺术的知识,提高你的艺术技巧。我们提供免费的艺术和设计课程的任何年龄的艺术家。我们的车间经过精心设计,满足课堂的需要。我们加强与适当的背景知识及其主题的每个车间实际的一面。我们的目标是增加你享受创造的艺术品。所有您需要参加的是几种基本材料和意愿要进军。Artyfactory is a growing resource of ideas and techniques designed to increase your artistic knowledge and improve your artistic skills. We offer free art and design lessons for artists of any age. Our workshops are carefully designed to meet classroom needs. We enhance the practical side of each workshop with appropriate background knowledge of its theme. Our aim is to increase your enjoyment in creating artworks. All you need to take part are a few basic materials and the will to have a go.内容提要:Artyfactory offers Free Art and Design Lessons. This is a great online resource for art teachers, art students and artists of all ages....artyfactory提供免费的艺术和设计课程。这是一个伟大的在线资源,为艺术教师,艺术学生和所有年龄的艺术家。...
信息名称: 自由的艺术课
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网址链接: artyfactory.com
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本页链接: http://wangkkqgk113.keduoxinxi.com/